Please contact Maya, that message is a symptom of a problem with your Maya install: the Maya installation is not creating all the required files on your system. Couldn't register Arnold renderer in Maya PIT file (error while parsing The Arnold volume node also support environment variables, so you could do this:īut again, once you put the environment variable into the Filename, the path won’t be resolved inside Maya (but it will work when you render).įor Arnold itself, you can ignore that message. Now the environment variable will control where Arnold looks for the vdb file.Then set the texture search path and strip off the path from the volume file name (leaving just the file name).Select the grids and set the other volume parameters.When you first create the volume, load the vdb file and leave the full absolute path in the aiVolume Filename box.You can’t enter an absolute path in the aiVolume Filename box, then enter a texture search path, and expect MtoA to automatically export a relative path. That still needs to be implemented. Just note that support for volume filenames is still a little … rough. So if you need to set up a Maya scene so that the OpenVDB volumes work on any platform, you could put an environment variable in the Texture Search Path The Arnold volume node uses the texture search path, so you don’t have to use an absolute path in the volume filename. Succesfully added Arnold information to PIT fileĭon’t do this: cd C:\solidangle\mtoadeploy\2017\pit\īecause you’ll get this error: Failed to add Arnold information to PIT file (Error 26)

MtoA includes pit/pitreg for registering Arnold in the PIT file, so you just need to run pitreg on the local machine, like this: C:\solidangle\mtoadeploy\2017\pit\pitreg.exe But if you’re running Maya and MtoA from a network install, then Arnold won’t be registered in the PIT file, and you’ll see this in the Arnold log: 00:00:00 381MB WARNING | rendering with watermarks because of failed authorization:Ġ0:00:00 381MB | error initializing license system:Ġ0:00:00 381MB | * Can't read license data (-102)Ġ0:00:00 381MB | product key not found (44)Īnd you’d see something like this in the Adlm.log: 337296 3 12:29:54 Reason=Fatal errorģ37296 3 12:29:54 ComputerName=WORKSTATIONģ37296 3 12:29:54 File=AdlmIntLicense.cpp,Line=594ģ37296 3 12:29:54 VendorError=12 ģ37296 3 12:29:54 File=AdlmIntLicense.cpp,Line=595ģ37296 3 12:29:54 AdlmIntError=25 Solution

Normally the MtoA installer does this for you. To use Autodesk licenses for Arnold when you batch render with Maya, Arnold must be registered in the Product Information file (aka the PIT file).